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Classroom full of children with hands in the air

Investing in a child’s future today will give them every chance of success tomorrow.

Having concerns about your child’s emotional, mental, or physical wellbeing?

Click here to help your child today!

I assist devoted and exhausted parents in improving their family’s day-to-day dynamics.

My distinctive parent-child coaching focuses on nurturing emotional, mental and physical wellbeing which enables them to raise happier, more confident and understood children so they can thrive.

We are all unique!

Let’s embrace this so your child’s individuality can blossom.

Helping children feel comfortable, healthy and happy is complex. Each child is different and their needs to achieve these goals should be tailored to them. If you have more than one child, we know it’s hard to not treat them all the same. Nevertheless, we must remind ourselves of their individual needs, their unique characteristics and what makes them individually special.

Children with positive influences, great role models and champions around them are more likely to thrive in life.

With no rule book when you become a parent it’s literally on the job full time training from day one. Just when you think you’ve cracked it, and you’ve achieved a black belt in parenting, your child’s attitudes and behaviours change and you’re back to feeling like a beginner all over again!

Group of children, arm in arm playing outside in a circle

So, let's put it out there

It's ok to feel this way. You are certainly not alone.

It’s ok to ask for advice.

It’s ok to ask for help.

We are here to help you and your child throughout the amazing years of their childhood. Together we can build a family culture that you love to be part of.

Being a positive role model

A positive role model or champion will support a child in identifying their own individual and unique needs as well as assist them in developing strategies to support and maintain their health and wellbeing.

Natalie with parent and child writing on clipboard

What we do here at Infinity Children’s Wellbeing

It is vital that children grow up in a world that understands them. At Infinity Children’s Wellbeing we promote the benefits of feeling good about yourself and functioning well.

Private sessions and workshops

We do this through interactive workshops and programmes which focus on different areas in bite size chunks for children to understand and adopt into their everyday lives.

Click here for Workshops!
Parents and their children sat on chairs in hall

Or of you’re looking for a more tailored, personal experience, consider a private session with our qualified Children’s Wellbeing Practitioner, Natalie.

Click here for Private Sessions!
Mother and her child doing a fun activity on the floor

Our Impact

At Infinity Children’s Wellbeing we become a child’s champion

Want to book onto the next workshop?
Or interested in any of the other services we offer?

Get in touch using the form below.

Parent and their children stood in line